Welcome, SPRING

Spring is HERE. And the arrival of the Spring equinox is a time to refresh and renew.

Various rituals and activities are associated with the awakening of spring. We love small moments that give quiet nods to the season's longer days, milder weather, and blossoming beauty.

Here are Six Simple Ways to Welcome Spring and brighten spirits, whether spending time alone or with those special to you of any age:

  1. Head outside: Take a walk in nature and soak in spring's energy
  2. Tap into creativity: Play freely with artistic expression
  3. Plant seeds: Dig deep into the dirt and nurture growth
  4. Spring clean: Clear out cobwebs and throw open windows
  5. Meditate: Be quiet, find stillness, breathe and connect
  6. Prepare a meal: Cook fresh, flavorful, seasonal dishes

Multnomah Village is a special place to spend time year-round and spring is no exception. Our neighborhood is abloom and your favorite shops and eateries have much to offer. Be sure to pay a visit. 

Mark your calendar now for two upcoming community events:

Celebrate Earth Day 2025
Saturday, April 26

Portland Sunday Parkways
Sunday, May 18

Stop by JP General to say hello, explore the latest, and shop our collection of unique and useful, high-quality lifestyle products for home, work, and play!

See you in the Village.

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